Thursday, October 20, 2011

Small Update!

I'm doing very well in school right now! My teacher/advisor told me that he has been very impressed with me this semester, which makes me feel really good. I think I've had an exam in every class by now; I got a 92 on my Macroeconomics exam, a 96 on my OB exam, a 90 on my Abstract Algebra exam, an 84 on my D.E. exam, a 108 on my Discrete exam, and an 87 on my Probablity and Stats Exam. Overall, I feel like that is really good. I will be getting a take home exam for Linear Algebra next week.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but for my OB class, we are doing an ice cream challenge. We are working with the Common Man; they have an apprentice program. Its been okay so far, but I feel like our group still has so much to do. We went and tested our ice cream a couple weeks ago - that went really well. I'm going to pick up the ice-cream on Monday and then we need to figure out a way to get samples to people and take a survey. We have to write up a business plan, and the rough draft for that is due on November 8th. I feel like that is so soon!

I went to the doctors on Monday. That went pretty well - as well as a doctor's visit can go. I'm all healthy and such. I'm going back on Monday to get the 2nd shot in the gardasil series. Then, I have to go back on Thursday to have a consultation. I'm changing my birth control, but my doctor doesn't deal with the type I'm getting, so I need to see another doctor.

I have a pretty busy week coming up. On Saturday, I'm taking my Circle girl to her boyfriend's football game, so that should be fun. Monday, I have to go to the doctor's and then I'm doing an oil change with Johnny. Tuesday, I'm meeting with Dana after class to talk about my personal statement and see what I need to do to revise it. Thursday, I have another doctor's appointment. I guess it doesn't seem that busy, but I have a lot of stuff due next week. It always seems like things are always due on the same day.

Christmas is coming up fast! I've started my shopping, but  I haven't gotten much done yet. I'm pretty broke, but I'm going to make it work somehow. I'm hoping I can afford to get a Christmas tree and decorations. November is a crazy month. I have to get my tires changed (I need to put my snow tires on), Christmas shopping, and I'd like to get decorations. I found out today that I can link my cashback bonus from Discover to Amazon and use it to buy stuff on there. That was very exciting to find out!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I haven't written in this blog in forever. School has started up and life is really crazy. I currently am enrolled in 7 classes: Macroeconomics, Abstract Algebra, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Organizational Behavior, Probability and Statistics for Scientists, and Linear Algebra. I'm also sitting in on a class that is dealing with preparation for the first actuary exam. I do all the homework and take notes and everything, I just don't get a grade for it. So, essentially I am taking 8 classes. Its really tough, but I'm definitely making it work. I'm also working 40 hours a week, sometimes more and applying for graduate school. I volunteer for the Circle Program as well. The girl I'm mentoring is named Miranda. I took her out last month; we went to Fun Spot. We mini golfed, played some arcade games, and then had dinner.

I got my senior pictures done this month. I haven't gotten them in the mail yet, but Cristy put some of them on facebook. I think this one is my favorite so far: 

My life has been extremely busy, but at the same time there isn't really that much to talk about. As far as the challenge goes, I finished up my soda challenge. I also wrote my resume. Laurel and I went to New York City at the end of August. It was fun for the most part, although I didn't get to do a lot of what I was planning to do. We were supposed to walk the Brooklyn Bridge and we never got around to that. We went to the location of Cake Boss, but we didn't go inside because the line was really long, so I haven't counted that in my challenge thus far.