Friday, November 18, 2011

That crazy thing we call life

Lets just start by saying I should really be working on this crazy take home test right now. My life has been so incredibly insane right now. I feel like I just need some time for myself. I think during winter break from school, I'm going to take a trip somewhere by myself. I'll just stay at a hotel and maybe find some stuff to do. I don't know, it could be fun.

School is still going pretty well but its super stressful at this point. I had so much stuff due before Thanksgiving. I have a grasp on most of it. I have this really hard take home test for Abstract Algebra due though. Its technically due on Tuesday, but I want it done by Monday because I have Monday off from work. That's the big thing that I have due really. I have to read a chapter and I also have some homework problems due for Prob and Stats. I'm just ready for this semester to be over.

We have our presentations for our huge ice cream project on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Can we just talk about how we're not even near ready for that? We ended up getting rid of the graham cracker, because there's no way to sprinkle graham cracker on ice cream sold in stores really and if you mix it in, it will get soggy. Instead, we decided to go with white chocolate chips. I'm going to be writing (or attempting to write) the business plan over Thanksgiving break. It just seems like a lot of work and I don't know where to start. I'm getting kind of frustrated with the class. I'm just ready for this class/semester to be over.

I'm almost done preparing my graduate school applications. That process has been pretty hectic. I've been through two revisions on my personal statement already, and I'm going to take it to Dana and have him help me revise it again. I have a couple other little things to get done for the applications, but it shouldn't take too long. I'm hoping to get most of it done over Thanksgiving break as well, but that might be a little ambitious.

This list of mine hasn't been getting too much attention lately. I hope to have some time to pay attention during winter break.

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